Wednesday, September 20, 2006

A brief photographic introduction to Portugal...

Phew, so I made it back to Chad, good Lord did I miss this place. (Sarcasm)

I arrived back in N'djamena Tuesday morning, 4am, and had to hop another airplane for Abeche, on the eastern border, at 7am. Goodtimes. Just as I thought, things are really getting messy out here...the rains have let up, only to have the heavens rain other things upon the villages and heads below...bombs and bullets.

So, here's a few pictures from Portugal, and I'll tell more about the place later. We had a great time, the weather was beautiful, the country even more so, the food excellent, the wine superb and the people warm. I'd go back to Portugal in a heartbeat if it weren't for the fact I want to see so many more places out there. So many places, so little time...

The first night...Sintra, just outside Lisbon...

The second day, castle at Sintra...journey up the coast to San Pedro Mont?...

Moorish castle at Sintra

Beach! So nice to see water!

Second night, SPM lighthouse

Third day, swimming then drive north to Roman ruins then on up to Porto, a beautiful old city that is about 90% World Heritage Sight (seemingly)

I'll leave off here....takes too long to upload pictures and I'll write more about our trip. In the meantime...tomorrow we head north, to rebel territory, the other beach...yippee.


Bryce said...

Please allow me to be the first to say that you suck, Portugal sucks, and together you ultra suck.

All of our R&R in DRC has been canceled, I have not been out of the country in three months (discounting mx in HUEN, yay), I am ready to become the AK weilding maniac pilot and kill me some idiots.

But I hope you had a nice time, did you by chance get any food poisoning or contract a viral infection? It would make me feel better.

Jesse said...

WHAT!!!??! Who's decision to cancel Congo R/R was it? WTF! I sincerely hope it was not Lika, or Alan Carney's? Shit man, I'm sorry, really sorry. Kinda makes me wanna giggle though. he he he. Ok, got that outa my system. Has Keith said anything about this?

On the other question...I got a sunburn. Does that make you feel better? I didn't think so.