Friday, July 06, 2007


I flew today to nowhere.
With me flew only my copilot.
When we arrived in nowhere there was nothing.
To my left: there was nothing.
To my right: there was nothing.
Behind me was the instrument that brought us to nothing in nowhere.
Above me sat the merciless sun that burnt this nothing.
We walked to a trailer.
Inside the trailer a man welcomed us to nowhere.
He told us to be careful.
That there is no one out there, but if there was,
be careful.
No one, but maybe someone, wants this nothing.
Truthfully, no one wants us to have this nothing.
We walked back outside: still nothing.
The sun, a glowing ember just inches away
A thin line, waving in the heat encompassed us
The thin line undulated into forever in all directions of nothing
My thoughts drifted, like the radiation wafting from the nothing
Into nowhere
Where I thought


Bryce said...

Sounds like Algeria is pretty fun.

Fuck that.

Jesse said...

Oh, and how is Nevada these days buddy boy?