Thursday, January 10, 2008

TESTING 1, 2, 3...

If this works I will be absolutely amazed. If this short, completely useless blog is published it means that I have found a way to skirt the Chinese Information controllers! I'm a genius!

Or not.

Anyway, I apologize that it has been quite some time since I've sent any updates from our new locale. It seems that all blog websites are forbidden by the People's Republic of China Communist Party. I could not read anyone else's nor write any of my own for the past 2 months.

We are doing very well here in China, and have accrued some silly and not so silly stories already. We arrived November 2nd, and as of January 11th, I have yet to do a single, productive thing. I've grown a beard rivalling Rip Van Winkle's, haven't cut my toe nails in ages, and have begun studying Taoism. Well, they're not all lies.

I hope everyone is doing well out there, and I hope to update this regularly, or start a new one. Keep in touch!


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