Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Ailments, part 1

Tonight I realised I am a bit worried. The picture thing? No. Worse. My insides truly disapprove of Africa. I always prided myself on being the owner of an iron stomach. I have eaten some nasty things in nasty places, yet here I find myself the greenhorn, the rookie, the WUSS. And my organs aren't diggin it so far. Hopefully the tolerance will build to the point that I'll be able to munch on dead goats I've scraped off the street corner, not that I'd ever do that...really. Oh, and the eye twitch thing is beginning to bug me as well. I guess you were right Nick...theres some nasty little single celled micro-organisms floatin around over here, and they, unlike the Muslim men of Abeche, LOVE ME.


Bryce said...

I've been the same way. These people just have filthy habits and it gets into the food. It sucks. Everytime I eat something new here I taste just a little and wait a day for the rest. It's been working out.

You need a smaller camera and someone to stand behind when you photograph. And how good would it feel to blast a drunk A-Rab in the face??!

Jesse said...

Thats IT! Why had I not thought of the Razor fisted monkey idea???? Surely no one messes with a guy and his assassin monkey, right? Thanks Pete. Any feelings on mounting 'LASERS' to his back as well? Think its a bit too much, or that it would just emphasize the point that I'm not interested in being F@#Ked with? Thanks! P.s. the goat tips are really helping out.